Become a Bridge Builder

You’re here because you know the world desperately needs an evolution.

Conflict and division are tearing our world, workplaces, communities and families apart.

We need leaders in every realm of society who not only opine about lofty concepts like empathy and compassion, but also have practical tools to bridge divides and put these concepts into action.

Now, you have the opportunity to become one of those leaders. You’re invited to get access to our most powerful and practical toolkit for transforming conflict into connection: the 7 Skills for Challenging Conversations.

Your 7 Skills for Challenging Conversations Toolkit 💼

Your toolkit is intentionally designed in 3 parts to help you move from self-reflection and awareness to action:

  1. From CONFLICT TO CONNECTION workbook 📖

    Reflect on your default approaches to conflict and challenging conversations, and how your inheritance and identity influence them. You’ll receive valuable frameworks to unpack and transform your inherited beliefs and behaviors around conflict in this 30min individual reflection exercise.

  2. From Conflict to Connection workshop 📺

    Learn practical tools that you can use to bridge divides, and turn disagreements or conflict into an opportunity for deeper connection. Begin to practice the 7 Skills for Challenging Conversations in this 60min fun and interactive workshop.

  3. 7 Skills for Challenging Conversations Guidebook 📒

    Receive deeper guidance on how to find common ground in the midst of even the most intractable conflicts. This 32-page guidebooks gives you detailed scripts and real life examples to help you put the 7 Skills for Challenging Conversations into action in your daily life.

The Exchange

Get access to this bundle of life-changing resources for $47!

Every dollar you contribute will help us fund the development of a 7 Skills offering in a new format that will
be able to reach thousands of people around the world.

7 Skills for Challenging Conversations Toolkit 💼
Get the goodies 🦋