
The following is a selection of resources to support you in your journey as an evolutionary human, professional, and leader. If you are interested in getting support bringing these resources and others to your team or organization, get in touch with us.


Reflection Workbooks

Unpack Your Inheritance

The Unpack Your Inheritance Workbook is designed to help you investigate your inheritance and explore what makes you, you.
The questions ahead will invite you to reflect on your identity, your inheritance, and deepen your understanding of how these influence how you show up in your personal and professional life.
(Approx 35 minutes)
Upon completion, you’ll receive an email with all your responses.

From Conflict to Connection

The Conflict to Connection Workbook is designed to help you start unpacking your beliefs about conflict, and provide valuable frameworks to help you better understand and transform the way you respond. This is a deep investigation into the foundations of how conflict has been trained into you from your inheritance and how to start unraveling it. (Approx 30 mins)
Upon completion, you’ll receive an email with all your responses.



The Inclusive Leadership Toolbox

Are you looking for simple ways to activate a more dynamic, productive, and inclusive team environment?

Build your leadership capacity by learning Inheritance Project’s three most impactful inclusive leadership tools. These are '“hinge practices”: simple, actionable tools that require minimal lift and create a deep impact. These require no investment other than your commitment to practicing them and you can begin using them today!

This guide will provide a detailed explanation of each tool and describe how and when to use them.

Give these a try and let us know how they’ve helped you!






Family flees Belarus, years later woman launches Inheritance Project

Waves of Russian friends left Instagram and Telegram. We stepped through a door to a new reality. Russia entered the dawn of renewed oppressive authoritarianism, and my Russian friends became paranoid….


In her book, When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times, Pema Chodron wisely teaches us, “Things falling apart is a kind of testing and also a kind of healing. We think that the point is to pass the test or to overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don’t really get solved.



If we really want to build a more equitable future for all living beings — regardless of their color, class, country, creed or culture — then we need to learn how to have dialogue with people whose views or experiences contradict our own, trigger us, or that we disagree with.